Monday, December 22, 2008

Goodbye 2008

It's the end of another year, and what a year it has been. To put it simply, a mixed bag.

The year started off quietly, my relatives who had come down for Christmas & New Year were still around. After the celebrations they were touring different places in India. So back here it was pretty quiet. We all here got back to our daily routine, work, home and the other monotonous stuff.

Things went all as usual. During the course of the year my friendship with 2 people became really strong. I knew them from before, but we struck a great bonding this year, and hopefully it will last forever :-)

The 2nd half of the year got bad for me professionally. Friction at work, the new management not liking the way we people who were there from before worked. Led to many issues, some unavoidable, some fabricated. In a few months time things became so bad that I decided to quit from there. Infact my last day was just this month, a few days back.

2009 looks good. I have started doing some freelance work at home. Also will take up a job in Jan and then will do both the job and freelance together. So professionally things are looking up. Personally I need to sort a lot of things and hopefully they will be ironed out soon for my own good.

All in all 2008 was an ok year, professional change, some personal issues and bonding with few people who really love and care for me a lot and vice verca.

The image with this article is a bullet, it symbolizes that 2008 hit me a bit with negative things, some positive things came too and it's fast going into what i see as a great next year.

So, goodbye 2008 and Cheers to a New and Happy n Fruitful 2009 :-)


iron_maiden said...

Clifford, we all had over share of roller coaster ride in 2008! Infact every year we have to face these challenging situations however the impact was more because 2008 made the fire feel in our face! You took some right decisions and we are proud of you! Don’t worry dear, times never remain same and 2009 is going to impress you with the positive changes both in your professional and personal lives! Till then please be high strung on optimism! :)

Clifford said...

Thanx Keks, trust you to always be there with the pep talks. I see my professional issues getting sorted fast in 2009, wonder about the personal ones. There is so much more to it than meets the eye. Which is why I said will talk to you soon about this.
Anyway HAPPY 2009 :-)

Unknown said...

hi clofford,
its a nice blog.. me and ketaki are always with u.. i really say hats off to u both.. and now as kek said 2009 and ahead also is sure are beautiful years coming ur boths way.. and what are true friends for.. to share the happiness and sorrows.. so we always with u Amen.. :-)

Clifford said...

Amita. Thanks a a lot. Of course I can safely say that we will always be there for each other, that's what good friends are for. Yup looking forward to good changes in 2009. God Bless :-)