Thursday, February 5, 2009

Bitter Truth!

Just felt like putting down here somethings that moved me a little today.

This I saw on the news. An Indian army man was killed in an encounter with terrorists at the border. He got a state funeral. And by the way, his dad too was in the army, retired now.
But when his parents went to the authorities to claim the compensation they were promised, guess what happened! Well it seems like this can happen only in our country!!!
They were told that they were not Indians and they needed to prove otherwise! Can you imagine their plight. The father all his life served the Indian army. The son gave up his life for the same. And then hearing this, the world must have come crashing down on them. When will things work right in this world???

Another thing that took me aback. According to latest statistics, every minute, 4 people are losing their jobs in India. Also, the latest place to be affected by the recession is the Gulf. Thousands are being laid off everyday. And Indians comprise of more than 50% of the workforce there. So with so many coming back to India now, we have a bigger problem on our hands that we originally thought!

What is the world coming too!!!

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